We Will Talk About People s Jobs Or Professions

We Will Talk About People s Jobs Or Professions

Today we are going to learn about jobs and professions. Beni, what does your father do?

Daftar Isi

1. Today we are going to learn about jobs and professions. Beni, what does your father do?

Jawaban: Terjemahannya.

Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang pekerjaan dan profesi. Beni, apa pekerjaan ayah mu?

terserah sih, boleh kamu jawab

my father is a doctor (ayah saya seorang dokter)

my father is a teacher (ayah saya seorang guru)

^^Semoga bermanfaat^^

2. Today we are going to learn about jobs and professions beni what does your father do ?

Penjelasan: i think is not  the correct answer

3. Apa arti today we are going to learn about jobs and professions. Beni, what does your father do

hari ini kita akan belajar tentang profesi pekerjaan. beni ,apa yg ayahmu lakukanHari ini kita akan mempelajari tentang pekerjaan dan profesi. Beni, apa yang dilakukan ayahmu ?
atau bisa juga. Beni, apa pekerjaan ayahmu ?

4. we use the word (s)........when we want to talk about predictions​



5. Apa arti today we are going to learn about jobs and professions. Beni, what does your father do?

Today we are going to learn about jobs and professions. Beni, what does your father do ?

" Hari ini, kita akan belajar tentang pekerjaan dan profesi. Beni, apa yang ayah kamu kerjakan ? ( Dalam hal ini beni ditanya tentang apa pekerjaan ayahnya ) "


Have a great day

today we are going to learn about jobs and professions. Beni, what does your father do?

=> Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang Pekerjaan dan Profesi. Beni, apa yg dikerjakan oleh ayahmu?

Keterangan: Yang berbicara adalah seorang guru, lalu guru itu bertanya pada salah seorang murid yg bernama Beni dan menanyakan pekerjaan Ayah Beni.

Semoga Membantu

6. we talk about sport or health ubah dalam kalimat presen continuos tense

we are talking about sport or health

7. as a child,we.............talk back to our perents or we will be sinfulbantuin donk yg bisa​



semoga membantu:D

Jawaban:  cant

maaf kalo salah

8. please make a table of questions and answers about your father job or professions​

please make a table of questions and answers your father's job or profession!

9. we ......meet and talk about the problem the choice of answer:can or can't​




maaf kalau salah


jawabanya can yg artinya bisa

#semoga bisa membantu

10. mention 50 professions complete with their jobs

Actor = aktor
• Actress = aktris
• Actuary = aktuaris
• Advisor = penasihat
• Aide = adjudan
• Ambassador = duta
• Animator = pembuat animasi
• Archer = pemanah
• Athlete = atlit
• Artist = seniman
• Astronaut = astronot
• Astronomer = ahli astronomi
• Attorney = pengacara
• Auctioneer = juru lelang
• Author = penulis
• Babysitter = pengasuh bayi
• Baker = tukang roti/ pembuat kue
• Ballerina = balerina
• Banker = bankir
• Barber = pemangkas rambut
• baseball player = pemain bisbol
• basketball player = pemain basket
• blacksmith = pandai besi
• bookkeeper = pengurus pembukuan
• biologist = ahli biologi
• bowler = pemain bowling
• builder = kuli bangunan
• butcher = tukang daging
• butler = kepala pelayan (restoran)
• cab driver = supir taxi
• calligrapher = pembuat kaligrafi
• captain = kapten
• cardiologist = ahli kandungan
• caregiver = pengurus
• carpenter = tukang kayu
• cartographer = pembuat peta
• cartoonist = kartunis, pembuat kartun
• cashier = kasir
• catcher = penangkap bola
• caterer = pemborong
• cellist = pemain selp
• chaplain = pendeta/kyai untuk golongan tertentu (seperti di sekolah, di tentara, dsb)
• chef = koki
• chemist = ahli kimia
• chauffeur = pengendara mobil
• clerk = pegawai toko, pramuniaga, juru tulis
• clergyman = pendeta laki-laki
• clergywoman = pendeta perempuan
• coach = pelatih
• cobbler = tukang sepatu
• composer = penulis, pengarang
• concierge = pengawas pintu
• consul = konsul
• contractor = kontraktor
• cook = juru masak
• cop = polisi
• coroner = pemeriksa kematian/mayat
• courier = kurir
• cryptographer = ahli pembaca sandi
• custodian = petugas penjaga
• dancer = penari
• dentist = ahli gigi, dokter gigi
• deputy = deputi, kepala polisi daerah
• dermatologist = ahli kulit
• designer = desainer, pendesain
• detective = detektif
• dictator = diktator
• director = direktur, sutradara, pengarah
• disc jockey = orang yang memainkan musik denga alat elektronik di tempat hiburan
• diver = penyelam
• doctor = dokter
• doorman = penjaga pintu
• driver = supir
• drummer = pemain drum
• ecologist = ahli ilmu lingkungan hidup
• economist = ahli ekonomi
• editor = penyunting
• educator = pendidik
• electrician = ahli listrik
• empress = kaisar wanita
• emperor = kaisar laki2
• engineer = ahli mesin
• entertainer = penghibur
• entomologist = ahli serangga
• entrepreneur = wirausahawan
• executive = eksekutif
• explorer = penjelajah
• exporter = pengekspor
• exterminator = pembasmi
• extra (in a movie) = pemain figuran (dalam film)
• farmer = petani
financier = ahli keuangan, modalwan (pemberi modal)
• firefighter = pemadam kebakaran
• fisherman = nalayan
• flutist = pemain suling
• football player = pemain bola
• foreman = mandor
• game designer = pendesai game
• garbage man = tukang sampah
• gardener = tukang kebun
• gemcutter = pemotong batu mulia
• geologist = ahli geologi
• geographer = ahli bumi
• golfer = pemain golf
• governor = gubernur
• grocer = penjual sayur-mayur
• guide = pemandu
• hairdresser = penata rambut
• handyman = tukang serba bisa
• hobo = orang gelandangan
• hunter = pemburu
• illustrator = pengilustrasi, pembuat ilustrasi
• importer = pengimpor
• instructor = instruktur
• intern = dokter RS
• internist = doket ahli penyakit dalam
• interpreter = juru bahasa, penafsir
• inventor = penemu
• investigator = pemeriksa, penyelidik
• jailer = sipir penjara
• janitor = tukang bersih-bersih
• jeweler = tukang perhiasan
• jester = pelawak
• jockey = joki kuda
• journalist = jurnalis
• judge = juri
• king = raja
• landlord = tuan tanah
• laundress = tukang cuci perembuan
• lawyer = pengacara
• lecturer = dosen
• librarian = pustakawan
• librettist = penulis kata-kata nyanyian
• lifeguard = penjaga kolam renang atau di pantai
• linguist = ahli bahasa
• locksmith = tukang kunci
• magician = tukang sulap
• maid = pembantu rumah tangga pr.
• mail carrier = pembawa surat
• manager = manajer, pemimpin
• manufacturer = pengusaha pabrik
• marine = angkatan laut
• marketer = pemasar
• mason = tukang pemahat batu
• mathematician = ahli matematika
• mayor = walikota
• mechanic = ahli mesin, montir
• messenger = kurir pesan
• midwife = bidan, dukun beranak
• miner = penambang
• model = model
• monk = biksu
• musician = pemain musik, musisi
• navigator = ahli navigasi, pengemudi kapal
• negotiator = perunding
• notary = notaris
• novelist = penulis novel
• nun = biarawati
• nurse = suster
• oboist = pemain oboe
• operator = penyelenggara
• ophthalmologist = dokter ahli mata


11. which question word(s) do we use talk about the class or type of thing? a.which b.what c.how d.how much


Jawabanya adalah d.how munch

karena artinya berapa banyak

12. Apakah tema mayor dalam cerpen "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" karangan Raymond Carver?

benar, semoga membantu

13. does this fable talk about animals or humans

fable talks about animals of course
Fable's story abourtanimal. For exemple : " kancil dan buaya"

14. we watck TV or talk artinya

kita menonton tv atau berbicara 

seharusnya watch ...We watck TV or talk artinya kita menonton TV atau berbicara 

15. utia: Today we are going to learn about jobs and professions. Beni,what does your father do?My father is a farmer He plants and grow rice​

ini klo di translite

Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang pekerjaan dan profesi. Beni,

apa pekerjaan ayahmu?

Ayah saya adalah seorang petani. Dia menanam dan menanam padi


smoga membantu:)

bantu fllow ig: divvva_canss

16. we talk about sport or health ubah dalam kalimat presen continuos tense

present continues;
Subject + to be (is, am, are) + Verb+ing + Object
= we are talking about sport or health
(kami sedang bicara tentang olahraga atau kesehatan)
semoga membantu

17. Ask five of your friends about their father and mother's professions and what they do in their jobs​


Artinya: Tanyakan lima orang teman Anda tentang profesi ayah dan ibu mereka dan apa yang mereka lakukan dalam pekerjaan mereka

Penjelasan: jadikan jawaban terbaik



Tanyakan lima orang teman Anda tentang profesi ayah dan ibu mereka dan apa yang mereka lakukan dalam pekerjaan mereka

18. All professions need special tools for their jobs

Semua orang orang professional harus memiliki barang barang special untuk pekerjaan mereka.semua profesi/pekejaan membutuhkan alat/hal yang spesial untuk pekerjaan mereka
maaf kalo salah

19. Bahasa indinesianya today we are going to learn about jobs and professions. Beni,what does your father do?

today we are going to learn about jobs and professions. Beni,what does your father do?

Hari ini kita akan mempelajari tentang pekerjaan dan profesi. Beni , apa yang dikerjakan ayahmu ?

20. we watch TV or talk artinya

We (kami) watch TV (menonton TV ) or ( atau) talk (berbicara)
kami menonton TV atau berbicara
Kami melihat tv atau bicara

21. does this fable talk about animals or humans

Talk about animals
semoga membantu

22. We will talk about people's jobs or professions.We Will spell the words and use the punctuation marks corectly.We Will say the words loudly,clearly,and correctly.If have any problems,we Will go to our teacher for help.

itu terjemahan bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia

semoga membantu follow aku ya

23. We well talk about people's jobs or propessions .We will spell the words and use the pinctuation marks correctly.We well say the words loudly ,clearly ,and correctly.If we have any problems,we will go to our teacher for help

Arti Kita akan berbicara tentang pekerjaan dan prestasi orang orang . kita akan menyebutkan huruf huruf dan menggunakan .......................... .Kita akan berkata dengan keras jelas dan benar . jika ada masalah kita akan pergi ke guru kita untuk meminta bantuan

24. ...........Ey 7Now, write a paragraph to describe the professions of the people in yourfamily. Don't forget to use 'is' when mentioning the professions, and add -sor -es when describing the jobs.tolong donk mao buat bsk pliss​


Itu artinya disuruh ngejelasin tentng pekerjaan keluarga kamu. Lah mana aku tau pekerjaan bapak ibu kakak adek kamu. Ya yg bisa ngerjain kmu sendiri. Kecuali kamu kerjain pake bahasa indonesia, nanti ku terjemahin ke bahasa inggris. Hadeeuuuhhh

25. • We will talk about people's jobs or Prvewords and use the punctuation marks correctwords loudly, clearly, and correctly. TwePeople's jobs or professions. We will spell themarks correctly. We will say theClearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, wewill go to our teacher for help.AnswersNo. Friend's nameQuestionsbeni, what does your My father is a farmer. Hefather do?1.Beniplants and grows rice.He is a teacher. Heteaches mathematics injunior high school.How about you,Dayu, what doesyour father do?DayuLisaUdinEdo​

Lisa :

Lisa mother is house wife


Mother is surgeon


Dayu father is teacher in junior high school


Edo is a student

26. can you write or talk about yourself​


can you write or talk about yourself

dapatkah kamu menulis atau berbicara tentang dirimu sendiri.

penjelasan maaf kalo salah

Chapter VI - We Love What We DoPEMBAHASANIn an English class

Miss Mutia : Good morning!

Selamat pagi!

Students : Good morning, Miss Mutia.

Selamat pagi, Bu Mutia.

Miss Mutia: Today we are going to learn about job and profession. Beni, what does your father do?

Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang pekerjaan dan profesi. Beni, apa pekerjaan ayahmu?

Beni: My father is a farmer. He plants and grows rice.

Ayah saya seorang petani. Dia menanam dan menumbuhkan padi.

Miss Mutia: That's great! How about you, Dayu, what does your father do?

Itu bagus! Bagaimana denganmu, Dayu, apa pekerjaan ayahmu?

Dayu: He is a teacher. He teaches mathematics in junior high school.

Dia adalah seorang guru. Dia mengajar matematika di sekolah menengah pertama.

Miss Mutia : That is wonderful! Lisa, how about your mother? What does she do?

Itu luar biasa! Lisa, bagaimana dengan ibumu? Apa pekerjaannya?

Lisa : She's a housewife. She takes a good care of us and our house.

Dia seorang ibu rumah tangga. Dia merawat kami dan rumah kami dengan baik.

Miss Mutia : That's excellent! What does your mother do, Udin?

Itu luar biasa! Apa pekerjaan ibumu, Udin?

Udin: She's a surgeon. She performs operations on her patients.

Dia seorang ahli bedah. Dia melakukan operasi pada pasiennya

Miss Mutia : That is excellent! How about you, Edo? What do you do?

Itu luar biasa! Bagaimana denganmu, Edo? Apa yang kamu kerjakan?

Edo: I'm a student.

Saya seorang pelajar.

Miss Mutia : That's good. Now, do you want to know what your other friends' parents do?

Mutia: Itu bagus. Sekarang, apakah kalian ingin tahu apa yang dilakukan orang tua teman kalian yang lain?

Students : Yes, we do.

Ya, kami mau.


➡️ Berdasarkan kata tebal di atas:

1. Friend's name: Beni

Questions: Beni, what does your father do?Anwers: My father is a farmer. He plants and grows 3. Lisa 4. Udin Edo

2. Friend's name: Dayu

Question: How about you, Dayu, what does your father do? Answer: He is s teacher. He teaches mathematcs in junior high school


➡️ Berdasarkan kata yang digarisbawahi:

3. Friend's name: Lisa

Questions: Lisa, how about your mother? What does she do?Anwers: She's a housewife. She takes a good care of us and our house

4. Friend's name: Udin

Questions:What does your mother do, Udin?Anwers: She's a surgeon. She performs operations on her patients.

5. Friend's name: Edo

Questions: How about you, Edo? What do you do?Anwers: I'm a student

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

We will work in groups We will list the speakers' statements about the things. Here are what we will do First: brainly.co.id/tugas/38008410

Detail JawabanKelas: 7Mapel: B. InggrisMateri: ReadingBab VI: We Love What We DoKode: 7.5.6

Kata Kunci: In an English class, Miss Mutia, Beni, Dayu, Lisa, Udin, Edo


3. Lisa

Question: Lisa, Huw about your mother? What does she do?

Answer: she's a housewife. she takes a good care of us and our house.

4. Udin

Question: What does your mother do, udin?

Answer: She's a Surgeon. she performs operations on her patients.

5. Edo

Question: Hou about you, Edo? What do you do?

Answer: I'm a student


semoga bermanfaat

28. Write down the conversations between two people talking about Family (Asking about how many brothers/sisters they have, professions/jobs, typical families, etc.)


Kaaz : Hi !

Nooy : Hi , What's up?

Kaaz : Where are you going?

Nooy : I want to go home , this day is my sister's birthday . So i and my familly will celebrate it

Kaaz : wow! How many brothers do you have?

Nooy : I have one brother and one sister . How about you?

Kaaz : I'm an only child. I have no brother. What's your brother and sister's name?

Nooy : My brother's name ia Yeen and my sister' name is Yiin

Kaaz : What do they do for a living?

Nooy : My sister is a lecturer and my sister is a student.

Kaaz : lecturer?! Wow that's one of my dream .How about your parents, what are their jobs?

Nooy : My father is a professor while my mother is a housewife. How about your parents?

Kaaz : My father is a pilot while my mother is a flight attendant. They are very busy.

Nooy : Pilots and flight attendants, it's so cool. Because your parents are busy, what if you come with me to my house?

Kaaz : That's sound great . Okay thanks mate

Nooy : you're welcome 。◕‿◕。


Maaf kalo kepanjangan semoga membantu(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

29. when we talk about just one person or thing or two things being equal, we use!?? ...​


a piece of paper


ahshshhshh, maaf kalo salah, and semangat belajar!

30. we use simple tense to talk about....... and past tense to talk about......

we use simple present tense to talk about what happens oftenly or happens in present time, and past tense to talk about past time simple tense,,??
Klw maksudnya simple present tense
we use simple present tense to talk about habitually and past tense to talk about past activity

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