Edo s Notebook Is

Edo s Notebook Is

Cari kalimat generic structure of descriptive text dalam cerita edo notebook is thick

Daftar Isi

1. Cari kalimat generic structure of descriptive text dalam cerita edo notebook is thick


Cari kalimat struktur generik teks deskriptif dalam cerita edo notebook tebal

2. Apa arti dari where does edo his notebook

di mana notebook nya edo?

3. Edo : do you see my notebook? beni : .... does it look like? edo : it is thick, it has blue hard cover



Semoga membantu-!


Jawabannya adalah How

Karena, 'how does it look like?' artinya adalah  'bagaimana rupanya?'

Rupa bukunya adalah tebal dan bersampul biru.


Semoga membantu..

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya..

Follow juga boleh kok

4. Edo's notebook is... Lanjutkan

edo's notebook is the blue one, and mine is the black one artinya notebook milik Edo adalah yang berwarna biru dan milikku berwarna hitam

5. Arti dari edo talks about Indonesia 's farm animals . This is what he says

Edo berbicara tentang hewan ternak indonesia. Inilah yang dia katakan.

6. Edo notebook is thick with a blue hard cover it has white ribbon separator. There is a sticker on the cover.. It is shny white and round. With a picture of an orang hutan



Notebook Edo tebal dengan hard cover biru yang memiliki pemisah pita putih. Ada stiker di sampul ..

Warnanya putih dan bundar. Dengan foto orangutan

7. 29.does itEdo: do you see my notebook? Benilook like?Edo: it is thick, it has a blue hard coverA. WhereB. WhatD. WhoC. Why​


29) B. what


Beni : What does it look like?

8. What is happened with Edo' s leg


Edo's leg is fine, the wound is light


Kaki Edo baik-baik saja, lukanya ringan


semoga membantu

Pertanyaan = What is happened with Edo' s leg

Jawaban = [Translate] Apa yang terjadi dengan kaki Edo {Kalau kalimat tanya, kamu harus menggunakan Tanda Tanya (?)}

                   [Answer the Ques] Edo is Injured --> [Translate] Edo cedera

Semoga Membantu Chingu^

9. The ... is for writting on the notebook

Jawabannya ada beberapa...

Silahkan dipilih:

Semoga Membantu :D

pen or pencil ,tapi yang paling tepat jawabannya pen

10. Gedor's notebook.......,with..... .it has...... .There is.... on the cover.it is...... ,with..... .

Describing Something/ Someone

Dalam mendeskripsikan seseorang atau sesuatu, anda memerlukan beberapa jenis kata untuk memberi kualitas atau mendeskripsikan sesuatu atau seseorang.  

Beberapa jenis kata yang dibutuhkan untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu atau seseorang adalah:

1. Determiners: adalah limiters dan article. Contohnya (a, your, the five, her, dan lain lain)

2. Opinion: digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang benda tersebut. Contoh: pretty, expensive, delicious, dan lain lain.

3. Size: digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan seberapa besar benda tersebut. Contohnya: Small, big, enourmous, tiny, dan lain lain.

4. Age: digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan usia benda tersebut. Contoh: young, old, ancient, new, dan lain lain.

5. Shape: digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk benda tersebut. Contoh: Round, square, oval, dan lain lain

6. Color: digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan warna benda tersebut. Contoh: white, black, pink, dan lain lain

7. Material: digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan benda tersebut terbuat dari apa. Contoh: wooden, cotton, silver, metal, dan lain lain.

8. Origin: digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan asal benda tersebut. Contoh: American, eastern, lunar.

9. Purpose: digunakan untuk menunjukan fungsi benda tersebut. Contohnya: Running shoes, drawing book.

Dalam mendeskripsikan sesuatu atau seseorang harus menggunakan urutan di atas secara turut.  


Melengkapi paragraf dengan kata-kata yang sesuai:

Edo’s notebook is thick, with a blue hard cover. It has a white  ribbon separator. There is a sticker on the cover. It is shiny, white, and round, with a picture of an orang-utan.

Semoga membantu menjawab. Terimakasih :)

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut https://brainly.co.id/tugas/1707092

Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Description

Kata kunci: Describing something

11. the notebook is... than the dictionary​


The notebook is smaller than the dictionary

*Sebuah perbandingan dengan penambahan imbuhan 'er'

Buku catatan lebih kecil ( lebih sederhana) dari pada Kamus

sekian terimakasih ;)

12. According to beni's info, where is edo's notebook


I don't know




Menurut info beni, di mana buku catatan edo

I don't know

13. I think he... Since two hours ago A. Fixed his notebook B. Has been fixing his notebook C. Had fixed his notebook D. Was fixing his notebook E. Is fixing his notebook


B. Has been fixing his notebook


C.Had fixed his notebook

14. how is Edo , s response?​


apa tanggapan edo?

Penjelasan: tidak ada keterangan lainnya

jadi sy translatekann sj


Bagaimana kabar Edo, tanggapan


See you in the next day!!

15. is-dirty-as-my-Natya's-not-notebook-as​

My notebook is not as dirty as Natya's.

my notebook is not as dirty as natya’s

16. 1.Edo's notebook is....... with ..............it has ..............there is ..............on the cover.It Is........with .........

1. Edo's notebook is cool with Padlock ih has Key. there is padlock On the cover. it is padlock with key

sorry if my answer is wrong
(ga ada pilihannya)

17. Daffa and Kheitara bought notebooks. Daffa's notebook has 56 pages and Kheitara's notebook has 48 pages. From the sentence we can conclude that ..........a) Daffa's notebook is better that Kheitara'sb) Kheitara's notebook has fewer pages than Daffa'sc) Kheitara's notebook is as expencives as Daffa'sd) Daffa's notebook has as many pages as Kheitara'stolong jawab kak​


B) Kheitara's notebook has fewer pages than Daffa's


Notebook nya kheitara memiliki lembaran yg lebih sedikit daripada punya nya daffas


b) Kheitara's notebook has fewer pages than Daffa's

Penjelasan (arti):

Daffa dan Kheitara membeli buku catatan. Buku catatan Daffa memiliki 56 halaman dan buku catatan Kheitara memiliki 48 halaman. Dari kalimat tersebut kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa buku catatan Kheitara memiliki halaman yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan Daffa.

Semoga membantu, semoga abang atau kakak menjadikan ini jawaban brainliest aka jawaban terbaik untuk membantu ranking ku :)

18. what does the dialog talk about?what picture is there on the notebook? where does he find his notebook it has blue hard cover it ,s shiny white roundwhat color is the covertlong jawabkan kak

Finding a lost book
A picture of orangutan
On the teacher's desk

19. From the dialog a bove deden's notebook is artinya

Dari dialog tersebut, sebuah buku tulis deden adalah

maaf kalau salah


Dari dialog di atas buku catatan Deen adalah

Semoga membantu

20. 1.Edo's notebook is....... with ..............it has ..............there is ..............on the cover.It Is........with .........


1. Edo’s notebook is thick, with a blue hand cover. It has a white ribbon separator. There is a
sticker on the cover. It is shiny, white, and round, with a picture of an orangutan.

2. Lina’s house is in a new housing complex. The roof is blue. It has no fence. It is white and
grey. There are two trees in front of the house, one of them is star-fruit tree. It is near the
small bridge on Jalan Teratai. There is a handycraft from Tana Toraja hanging on the front
door. It is triangle with beautiful carving. There is a big stone in front of her house. Some
children often sit and play there.

3. The big shoe-shop near the barber shop sells different models of beautiful shoes. There are
different colours of shoes. Some shoes have holes some shoes have flowers in the front.
Some shoes are plain. There are also shoes with a strap and open in the front like sandals.
They have low heels. They look comfortable.

4. Mr. Gani wants a white T-shirt, with short sleeves. It is a sporty and casual one, he wants
one with a picture about Bali in the front.

Detil tambahan:
Kelas: 7 SMP
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: Describing things

21. complete the sentences with this or that 3 .... i s pen 4....is a pencil 5..... Is bis notebook 6......is het notebook 7......is my dictionary 8.....is your dictionary 9.....is his umbrella 10.....is our umbrella jawabannya apa ya ka


4 this is a pencil

5 this Is is notebook 6 this is her notebook 7 this is my dictionary 8 this is your dictionary 9 this is his umbrella 10 this is our umbrella


Semoga membantuu

22. 1.Edo's notebook is....... with ..............it has ..............there is ..............on the cover.It Is........with .........

Edo's note book is thick ,with a bluechard cover .it has a white ribbon separator . There is a sticker on the cover . It is shiny ,white,and round ,with a picture of an orang utan

Semoga bermanfaat:)

23. this notebook belongs to me.This is......notebooki​




this notebook belongs to me.this is...notebook

kata yang sesuai adalah "my" karna memiliki maksud kepemilikan

24. is this notebook hers.yes,....................a.she isb.it isc.she doesd.than he does

c. she does yes, she doesjawabannya Yes, it is (B)

25. 19. What is Edo looking for? A. A book B. A blue book C. An orang-utan book D. A notebook​


D. A notebook


semoga membantu yaa. Kalau bisa tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas juga. thank you!


D. A notebook


Pertanyaan dari soal diatas "apa yang Edo cari?". Dan dialog diatas Edo mengatakan "Apakah kamu melihat buku catatanku?". Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. A notebook (Buku catatan)

26. 1.Edo's notebook is....... with ..............it has ..............there is ..............on the cover.It Is........with .........

edo's notebook is thick with a blue hard cover it has whie there is sticer on the cover.it is shiny,white,round whit a picture of a orang-utan

27. udin,do you think edo is angry with me? a yes,sir b.guys,I thin udin like this notebook c.I don' t think so,look he ' s smiling d.thank you udin​

C. I don't think so, look he's smiling


c. i don't think so, look he's smiling


a itu untuk ke guru karena ada sir

b untuk menyatakan bahwa si udin suka buku

d untuk berterimakasi

sedangkan dia tanya apakah edo marah kepada nya :>

jadikan jawabn terbaik

28. I have notebook. It is .............. pakai arti​

English :

I have notebook. It is ..............


Saya punya buku catatan. Dia ..............


borrow my notebook/borrow

Artinya :

Pinjam Buku catatan ku/Pinjam

Maaf kalau salah^_^

semoga membantu

jika salah...

maafkan saya...

terima kasih ...


29. is edo adalah present

adalah edo hadir
maaf kalo salah

30. Translate Inggris ke Indonesia dialogue 1 Edo: do you see my notebook?


apakah kamu melihat buku catatan ku

edo: do you see my notebook?.
edo: apakah kamu melihat buku catatanku?.

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