It Will Be The School s Anniversary Next Month

It Will Be The School s Anniversary Next Month

Apa jawaban dari Laura: listen! The anniversary party of the school will be held next month Sheva:Really?

Daftar Isi

1. Apa jawaban dari Laura: listen! The anniversary party of the school will be held next month Sheva:Really?

laura : yes!
(maybe....Good luck!)

2. 1 .membuat dialog dgn topik " it will be the school's anniversary next Month" tolong kerjain yaaa

A = " Hei"
B = "Hello, have you heard that next month is the school's anniversary ?"
A = "Yes, i have. They said that they will make a competitions"
B = "What kind of competitions ?"
A = "i don't know, maybe they will tell us tomorrow"
B = "Oh... OK. Thanks for the info"
A = "Your welcome"

3. contoh percakapan bahasa inggris dengan situasi it will be the school anniversary next month. you and your friends are discussing the plan for the class performance

Friend 1:Hemm..., the anniversary is next month so....
Friend 2:Are you thiking abaut our class performance?
Friend 3:How abaut a magic show?
Friend 1: No, I already thiking abaut that, but it takes a lot of money
Friend 3:So..., any others idea?
Friend 2: Hey!, how abaut asking the member of music and sport club in our class, maybe we can get some Idea
Friend 1: What if we combine the attractions so one?!
Friend 3: good!, now we just have to ask the teacher abaut the idea, and after that we can ask the member of the music and sport club!
Friend 1: good, now we split up to save more time

(Semoga membantu!)

4. this month is april...... next month will be

The month after April is May.This month is April , next month will be May.

Y o u C a n F o l l o w M e

5. this month is August. NEXT month will be​


next month will be September




this month is August. NEXT month will be September


bulan ini adalah Agustus. Bulan BERIKUTNYA adalah september

6. Yes. It will be duenext month​


lgi bagi" pts ya



7. tolong donk buatin dialog It will be the school anniversary next month you and your friends are discussing the class performance one of them seems to disagree with the idea because he think that it will need a lot for money

andre : hey guys, next month is our school anniversary.. whah do tou think about that ? do you have any idea to celebrate it ?
jihan : yes , I do agree to celebrate it.
anggi : but what kind of celebrating did you want ?
andre : maybe, we can do some competition or another...
jihan : oh! what do you think if we invite a band for our school anniversary?
andre : yes, it will be more interesting...
anggi ; hello guys, please dont talking about bullshit. what about the money /? dont you think about that ?
jihan : we can ask the money from the school
andre : yes,, or we can ask some product to advertise our program
anggi ; hey.. I think it will be unuseful. becouse we just throw a lot of our money, without any usefulness. that program is take a lot of money...
andre : but it can make the student more interest
anggi : but it may takes a lot of money....
jihan : okey. whatever

8. it is march. what month will be the next mounth​


The next month will be...."April"

Smoga benar:)

follow akun ku dong:-)


its April


because after march is april

9. 1). it is is the..........month of the year.last month month is.......2).it is is the ......month of the yearslast month was.........Next month is......​


1.) it is August

it is the eighth month of the year

last month was July

next month is September

2.) it is November

it is eleventh month of the year

last month was October

next month is December

maaf klo salah

10. kalimat pasif dari our school will hold the final test next month

the final test will be held by our school next month.
"The world isn't perfect. But it's here for us, doing the best it can. And that's what makes it so damn beautiful." ~Roy Mustang

11. Students will be visiting the island of bali next month


Para siswa akan mengunjungi (pulau) Bali bulan depan.

12. month/it/won't/be/cold/next

it won't be cold next monthit won't be cold next month

13. when will the school anniversary celebration be

school anniversary Will be held annualy or every year

14. it will be the school's anniversary next month. You and your friends are discussing the plan for the class performance. one of them seems to disagree with the idea because he thinks that it will need a lot of money. Buatkan percakapan (dialog) !

Tokoh//characters: Mon,Ina,Sekar, and Bayu.

Mon: What are we going to perform for next month?
Sekar: What about drama?
Ina: What kind of drama?
Sekar: A drama like in tv. But we need to buy clothes, and so many decorations to do it.
Bayu: I disagree to do that, it will take a lot of moneys to buy those stuff
Mon: Bayu is right. Anyone agree with Bayu's opinion?
Ina: I agreed with Bayu's opinion. We can just do some dance performance!
Sekar: Oh yeah.. since we're normally do dance so why not?
Mon: That's a great idea!
Bayu: Let's do dance performance then! When are we going to practice?
Mon: Let's do next Sunday
Everyone: okay!

15. market-next month-government -be-new-the-a-will-built-by

next month the new market will be built by goverment. ^_^

16. This month is June. The next month will be

Responsio :
The next month will be July

Be beautiful on the inside, you will see the universe a beautiful place. -Elia Abu Madi

17. month/it/won't/be/cold/next/


next month it won't be cold

semoga membantu^^

it won’t be cold next month

jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik ya:)

18. Percakapan bahasa inggris tentang it will be the school's anniversary next month. You and your classmates are discussing the plan for the class performance. One of them seems to disagree with the idea because he thinks that it will need a lot of money

Tentang perayaan ulang tahun sekolah. Kamu dan teman sekelasmu di suruh berdiskusi tenttang pertunjukan terbaik kelasmu. Satu ide yang tidak setuju harus di musyawarahkan untuk membeli keperluan mendekor dengan memakai uang

19. month/it/won't/be/cold/next​

It won't be cold next month

20. last month was january. next month it will​

jawabannya..... february

21. It will be the school's anniversary next month. You and your friends are discussing the plan for the class perfomance one of them seems to di di sagree with the idea because the think that it will need a lot of money dialognya hrs ada it will nya

a : next week is our school anniversar
b: it will be very exciting
c: when it will held?
a: i think next week
c: i heard our next class prepare to show a puppet show. what about us?
b: maybe theater?
a: no, it will be very expensive
c: i think singing is the cheap show right?
a: y, i agree with you c
b: me too

22. A new school will be built by the government next month. The suitable change to the active for the sentence is? a.The government will be build a new school next month b.The governmentwill built a new school next month c.The government will be built a new school next month d.The government will build a new school next month e.The government build a new school next month


Opsi D. The government will build a new school next month.


Passive voice digunakan ketika kita ingin menekankan pada orang atau hal yang terpengaruh oleh tindakan. Dalam kalimat aktif, si pelaku aksi (Agent) berlaku sebagai subyek kata kerja. Maka daripada itu, penyusunan passive voice, objek dalam kalimat aktif berubah posisi menjadi subjek kalimat pasif. Sedangkan, subjek (the doer of action) diposisikan sebagai Agent.


A. The government will be build a new school next month. ➡ Opsi A salah. Secara gramatikal sudah salah struktur. Setelah penempatan auxiliary BE harus diikuti dengan past participle "built" bukan "build."

B. The government will built a new school next month. ➡ Opsi B salah. Secara gramatikal sudah salah struktur. Main verb "built" seharusnya diganti dengan basic verb "build" ketika mengikuti modal auxiliary "will."

C. The government will be built a new school next month. ➡ Opsi C salah. Secara gramatikal sudah salah struktur. Rumus penyusunan kalimat pasifnya salah. Dalam kalimat aktif, seharusnya tersusun demikian (S+will+verb¹+O+ROTS).

D. The government will build a new school next month. ➡ Opsi D benar. Secara gramatikal sudah sesuai dengan rumus kalimat aktifnya, yaitu "S+will+verb¹+O+ROTS."

D. The government build a new school next month. ➡ Opsi D salah. Secara gramatikal, tidak sesuai dengan tenses yg digunakan. Kalimat di atas merupakan active voice bentuk present simple. Sedangkan, soal yg ditanyakan terkait future simple.

Jadi, jawabannya opsi D. Ini sudah sesuai dengan rumus active-passive voice bentuk future simple.

A: S+will+Verb¹+O+ROTS

P: S(O)+will+be+verb³+by+Agent+ROTS.


Learn more about

Active-Passive voice



Grade: XI

Subject: English

Category: Sentence structure

Code: 11.5.8

Keywords: Active, Passive, A new school


A new school will be built by the government next month. The suitable change to the active for the sentence is?

a.The government will be build a new school next month

b.The governmentwill built a new school next month

c.The government will be built a new school next month

d.The government will build a new school next month

e.The government build a new school next month


Active voice


23. A new school will be built by the government next month. The suitable change to the active for the sentence is?

≡ Active-Passive Voice ≡

→ The government will build a new school next month.


Active voice–atau kalimat aktif, dalam bahasa Indonesia–adalah kalimat yang subjeknya melakukan suatu tindakan kepada objeknya.

Sedangkan passive voice–atau kalimat pasif–merupakan kebalikan dari active voice, yaitu kalimat di mana subjeknya yang menerima suatu tindakan dari objeknya.

based on the question:

Future simple (will)

av = subject + will + verb 1 + O/C

pv = subject + will + be + verb 3 + by (agent)

–» passive

A new school will be built by the government next month.

(Sekolah baru akan dibuat oleh pemerintah di bulan depan)

subject = A new schoolverb = (be) builtobject = the government

–» active

The government will build a new school next month.

(Pemerintah akan membangun sekolah baru di bulan depan)

subject = The governmentverb = buildobject = a new school

verb on the question:

Irregular verbs; kata kerja tidak beraturan.

verb 1 = buildverb 2 = builtverb 3 = builtmeaning = “membangun”


➡ The government will build a new school next month.


:: semoga membantu ::

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut⤵

Active-Passive Voice (tentang kalimat aktif-pasif)

Detail Jawaban⤵

Kelas: 11

Mapel: English

Bab: Passive Voice

Kode: 11.5.8

Kata kunci: Government, build, change to active voice

24. 1.This month is january last month was.... Next month will be.... 2.This month is september last month was.... Next month will be.... 3.This month is November last month was.... Next month will be.... 4.This month is Desember last month was.... Next month will be.... 5.This month is Febuari last month was.... Next month will be....






25. arrange the words into the correct sentences! month-it-won't-be-cold-next​

next month it won't be cold


Next month it won't be cold

26. it will be the school's anniversary next month. you and your friends are discussing the plan for the class performance. one of them seems to disagree with the idea because he thinks that it will need a lot of money

Bulan depan sekolah akan berulang tahun, kamu dan temanmu berdiskusi perencanaan untuk kekompakkan kelas, satu dari mereka ada yang tidak setuju.
bulan depn adalah ulang tahun sekolah. kamu dan temnmu mendiskusikan rencsna untuk menampilkan srsuatu. salah satu temanmu terlihattidaksetujudengan idenya, karena dia pikir bahwa performnce tersebut akan mrmbutuhkan bnyak dana

27. Next month will be januari . what nonth is it this month adalah


jika bulan depan adalah Januari, bulan ini berarti adalah December


This month is December


Months: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

Next month artinya bulan berikutnya

Januari itu setelah Desember

Semoga membantu

28. The daily test is held on March. The next month the first UAN Examination practice (TO) will be held.what month it is? Tolong bantu Yah?? Makasih

The daily test is held on March. The next month the first UAN Examination practice (TO) will be held. What month it is?  April


The daily test is held on March. The next month the first UAN Examination practice (TO) will be held. What month it is?

This month is March. Next month is April.

Ujian harian diadakan di bulan Maret. Bulan depan adalah ujian uji coba akan dilaksanakan. Bulan apakah itu?

Bulan ini adalah Maret. Bulan depan adalah April

Months of the year:

January : JanuariFebruary : PebruariMarch : MaretApril : AprilMay : MeiJune : JuniJuly : JuliAugust : AgustusSeptember : SeptemberOctober : OktoberNovember : NopemberDecember : Desember

Pelajari lebih lanjutWhat month is it? to count your age


Detil jawaban

Kelas: 3

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Month

Kode: -

Kata Kunci: Months of the year

29. .It is JulyIt is the... month of the yearlast month was month is2.of the yearIt is octoberit is the... monthlast month month isof the year3. Its Januaryit is the ... monthI last month wasNext month is​


1)7th (seventh)






3)1st (first)



30. It will be the school’s anniversary next month. You and your friend are discussing the plant for the class performance. One of them seems to disagree with the idea because he thinks that it will need a lot of money.

Ini akan menjadi nextmonth ulang tahun sekolah . Anda dan teman Anda sedang membahas tanaman untuk kinerja kelas . Salah satunya tampaknya tidak setuju dengan ide ini karena ia berpikir bahwa itu akan membutuhkan banyak uang .Ini akan menjadi sekolah tahun depan

bulan. Kau dan temanmu sedang membahas untuk kelas.
Salah satu dari mereka tampaknya tidak setuju dengan gagasan itu, karena dia berpikir bahwa akan memerlukan
banyak uang.

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