Answer The Following Questions Based On The Text

Answer The Following Questions Based On The Text

Answer the following questions based on the text!​

Daftar Isi

1. Answer the following questions based on the text!​


nggak ada text gimana jawabnya

2. Task 2 answer the questions. Answer the following questions based on the text


Sorry Mrs. Fitri , your question is no valid, 'cause what the meaning of following questions based on the text , exactly the text not available

3. answer the following questions based on the text above​


1.they are talking about london

2. yes, he has was crowded and full

4.yes,he has's £3,they have not

4. Answer the following questions based on the dialog






5. answer the questions based on the text above!

( karena lampau 3 minggu yang lalu)
4. have
5. tell
6. have
7. agree
8. will
9. cut

semoga membantu,
maaf jika ada yang kurang tepat..

6. answer the questions based on the text above

1. The text talks about Ako and Ayu

2. III. Ayu, in the second text is a helpful person.

3. I. Ako and Atu are helpful.

7. answer the questions based on the text!

1 platypus
2 duckbill
3 flat tail, webbed feet, thick woolly fur, body length around 30 to 45 cm
4 streams,rivers,lakes
5 Tasmania, southern and eastern Australia

8. Answer the questions below based on the text above​


Hai! Tulisan yang kk tulis ini bergantung pada Pertanyaan & Teksnya! Mana soal & teksnya?

Teksnya dimana ya kak?

9. Translate soal dan jawaban answer the following questions briefly based on the text above


jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut secara singkat berdasarkan pada teks di atas


10. answer the questions based on the text

menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang didasarkan pada teks.

11. bantu jawab soal Answer the following questions orally based on the text

1. Since ancient times.
2. Depends on the transportation available.
3. Many inns and taverns were constructed to offer lodgings along highway routes.
4. Near railroad stations.

12. answer the following questions based on the text! bantu ya kak besok di kumpulkan​

a) It is about the writer's sweet memories in primary school.

b) Pak Min is the janitor in the writer's school.

c) Yes, they did.

13. Task 7 Answer the following questions based on the text in Task 6. TVZ​


Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. What is the text about?

2. What does the writer do after he/she wakes up?

3. With whom does the writer go to school?

4. What does the writer do while waiting the time for praying in the afternoon?

5. What does the writer do after he/she has dinner?

task 6

I usually wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I never forget to tidy up my bed and clean it up. Then I take a bath and pray. After that I help my mother to prepare the breakfast. And then, I have breakfast with my family in the dining room. We usually have warm tea, milk and fried rice. Then, I go to school with my friends. I study at school till 1 p.m. I go home, put off my uniform and have lunch with my mother. After that I pray, watch TV and take a nap. I always take a bath at 5 p.m. in the afternoon. Then I watch TV while waiting the time for praying. After I pray, I and my family have lunch together. And then, I read a book and prepare the lesson for the next school day. I go to bed at 9 p.m. That’s all my activity starting from waking up till going to be. Thank you.


1. daily activity

2. tidy up and clean the bed

3. his friends

4. watch TV

5. read a book and prepare the lesson for the next school day

14. answer the questions based on the text

digelas ada air.pepaya dan jeruk1.sepiring nasi, ayam goreng, ikan, atau telur dan semangkuk sup 2.segelas air 3.pepaya Dan jeruk

15. (Read the following text carefully!) (Please answer the following questions based on the reading text!)


mana teksnya kak ?

16. answer the following questions based on the text in activity c​


마나 소알?? soalnya mana??



17. task 2: answer the following questions briefly based on the text above.

kategori : Bahasa Inggris
kelas : SMA

soal ini termasuk soal yang tidak lengkap, sehingga akan saya terjemahkan per kata.

Task 2 (tugas 2) : answer (jawab) the following (berikut) questions (pertanyan-pertanyaan) briefly (dengan singkat) based on (berdasarkan) the text (teks) above (di atas)

sehingga, perintah pada tugas 2 adalah jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan singkat berdasarkan teks di atas (sebelumnya)

18. Answer the following questions briefly based on the text! Battle Of Surabaya pg. 124

Recount Text


The passage is about the battle of Surabaya. (Wacana ini tentang pertempuran Surabaya)10 November 1945. (10 November 1945)It happened in Surabaya. (Itu terjadi di Surabaya)The British Army (BA) in Surabaya agreed to let the Indonesians keep their weaponry. A plane of British Army from Jakarta dropped leaflets telling Indonesians to surrender their weapons. The Indonesians felt betrayed. Mallaby was murdered. The Battle of Surabaya broke. Surabaya was occupied by British Army. (Tentara Inggris (BA) di Surabaya setuju untuk membiarkan orang Indonesia menyimpan persenjataan mereka. Sebuah pesawat Angkatan Darat Inggris dari Jakarta menjatuhkan selebaran yang memberitahu orang Indonesia untuk menyerahkan senjata mereka. Orang Indonesia merasa dikhianati. Mallaby terbunuh. Pertempuran Surabaya pecah. Surabaya diduduki oleh Tentara Inggris)The British Army was more powerful and modern, and had more complete  weaponry. Surabaya was attacked from the sea, land, and air. (Tentara Inggris lebih kuat dan modern, dan lebih lengkap  persenjataan. Surabaya diserang dari laut, darat, dan udara)The spirit to defend the country’s independence encouraged Indonesian  freedom fighters to fight the aggressors.  (Semangat untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan negara mendorong orang Indonesia  pejuang kemerdekaan untuk melawan agresor)Indonesia lost the battle because the number of victims or casualties in  Indonesian side is bigger, and Surabaya was finally occupied by the British  Army . (ndonesia kalah dalam pertempuran karena jumlah korban atau korban dalam  sisi Indonesia lebih besar, dan Surabaya akhirnya ditempati oleh Tentara Inggris)The battle provoked Indonesian and international community to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia. (Pertempuran itu memicu komunitas Indonesia dan internasional untuk bersatu mendukung gerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia)Bung Tomo invigorated the freedom fighters to bravely fight the British Army. (Bung Tomo menyegarkan pejuang kebebasan untuk berani melawan Tentara Inggris)The Battle of Surabaya was fierce and bloody. The freedom fighters and  people fought hand in hand till death heroically and many died in the battle. To commemorate their sacrifice, the day when the battle took place was  commemorated as the Heroes Day . (Pertempuran Surabaya sengit dan berdarah. Pejuang kemerdekaan dan orang-orang berjuang bergandengan tangan sampai mati secara heroik dan banyak yang mati dalam pertempuran.  Untuk memperingati pengorbanan mereka, hari di mana pertempuran itu terjadi adalah  diperingati sebagai Hari Pahlawan)Heroic, or courageous, or fearless, patriotic, brave, etc. (Heroik, atau berani, atau tak kenal takut, patriotik, berani, dll)Yes, I think the information in the text is clear. (Ya, saya pikir informasi dalam teksnya jelas)No, I haven't. (Tidak, belum)


What is the passage about? (Tentang apakah teks ini?)When did the battle take place? (Kapan pertempuran itu terjadi?Where did it happen? (Dimana itu terjadi?)What caused the battle? Draw a diagram that shows chronologically the  events that led to the breaking of the battle  (Apa yang menyebabkan pertempuran? Menggambar diagram yang menunjukkan kronologis  peristiwa yang menyebabkan pecahnya pertempuran)What do you think about the Indonesian military power compared to that  of the British army at that time?  (Apa pendapat Anda tentang kekuatan militer Indonesia dibandingkan dengan itu  tentara Inggris pada waktu itu?)What made the Indonesians dare to fight against the British army which  was more modern and powerful?  (Apa yang membuat orang Indonesia berani bertarung melawan tentara Inggris yang mana  lebih modern dan kuat?)Did the Indonesian lose or win the battle? Why do you think so? (Apakah orang Indonesia kalah atau memenangkan pertempuran? Mengapa menurut Anda begitu?)How did the battle influence the national revolution at that time? (Bagaimana pertempuran mempengaruhi revolusi nasional pada waktu itu?)Who was the prominent figure in the battle? What did he do? (Siapa tokoh terkemuka dalam pertempuran itu? Apa yang dia lakukan?)Why do you think the date of the Battle of Surabaya is called as the Heroes  Day?  (Menurut Anda mengapa tanggal Pertempuran Surabaya disebut sebagai Hari Pahlawan ?Describe in one word the Indonesians who defended the city at that time. (Jelaskan dalam satu kata orang Indonesia yang membela kota pada saat itu)Do you think that the information in the text is clear? (Apakah Anda berpikir bahwa informasi dalam teks ini jelas?)Have you read other text that tell about similar events? What are they? (Sudahkah Anda membaca teks lain yang menceritakan tentang peristiwa serupa? Apakah mereka?)




Kelas : 10  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 7

Kode: 10.5.7  

19. Answer the following questions based on the​


Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan pada

  mana soalnya...?

20. Task 2 Answer the following questions brieflly based on the text The battle of surabaya

Maksudnya di suruh mencari gitu ia???

21. answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 22​


umm... where's the text at?

22. Answer the following questions briefly based on the text above. 1 what is the passage about?

where is the text ???

23. Answer of practice 4 answer following questions based on the text in practice 1

Choice C is the best answer. In lines 10-13, the narrator explains that “the machinery of [his] destiny has worked in secret” to prepare him for this journey, as “its clockwork” has propelled him to “this time and place.” By using the phrases “the machinery” and “its clockwork,” the narrator is show- ing that powerful and independent forces are causing him to journey to the North Pole.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not indicate the main purpose of lines 10-13. While lines 10-13 mention that these powerful and independent forces have been working “for years, for a lifetime” to convince the narrator to journey to the North Pole, they do not expose a hidden side of the narrator, demonstrate the narrator’s manner, or explain the amount of time the narrator has spent preparing for his expedition.

Maaf ya kalau salah Semoga membantu

24. based on the text above, answer the following questions​


a. because she's been waiting to hear them wish her a happy birthday that morning

b. because nobody's by her side at that time

c. she's been watching tv

d. they've been planning for a surprise party for her birthday

25. Answer the following questions based on the text above! Thanks for join..


1. How To Make Candles

2. The materials are wax, moulds, wick, dye discs, essential oils and a double boiler.

3. There are six steps in the text.

4. The second step is: Prepare the the mould with the wick. Thread the wick through the mould and make sure that you leave a good few centimeters sticking out of the hole in the bottom.

5. We must leave it for a day (one day) before lighting it.

26. answer the questions based on the text​


1. The main character/The one telling the story

2. Last month

3. He got general briefing. Information about the fishing code, and how to release out the hook from the fish mouth safely.

4. He got 5 small fish. Three yellow fish, one salmon, and one little merlin.

5. He was happy. He said the trip was enjoyable.



1. Tokoh utama / Orang yang bercerita

2. Bulan lalu

3. Dia mendapat pengarahan umum. Informasi tentang kode pancing, dan cara melepaskan kail dari mulut ikan dengan aman.

4. Dia mendapat 5 ikan kecil. Tiga ikan kuning, satu salmon, dan satu merlin kecil.

5. Dia bahagia. Dia mengatakan perjalanan itu menyenangkan.

27. answer the following question based on the text​


Where is the text


Mana teks nya

28. Answer following questions based in the text.


Sanitation is important for all, helping to maintain health and increase life-spans. However, it is especially important for children. Around the world, over 800 children under age five die every day from preventable diarrhea-related diseases caused by lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene.

29. Task 2 Answer the following questions brieflly based on the text The battle of surabaya

yes this is a cat and that is a digyes this is the cat and than is a dig

30. answer the following questions briefly based on the text above

jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan teks diatasjawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan teks di atas

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